Our office is located in South Asheville, right off the Blue Ridge Parkway. When the weather gets warm, we like to take a hike or ride our bikes up there during our lunch break. I know we're all looking forward to those warmer temps!
The office is home to the five of us who are full-time staff members, most of whom you probably already know either by phone call, presentation or summer adventure. Here's a snap shot of Theo Moore's desk (our staff director), in the foreground, and my desk behind it (I'm Genna Harris, the admissions director). Don't you love our big photos from trips past? The one above Theo's desk is from the sea kayaking section our Northern Lights adventure. Above my desk, you see a photo from our Pacific Northwest trip. You've probably seen a few of them in our catalogs over the years!
Hayes, our president and founder, has a great office next to our "wall of fame" - our wall of catalog covers throughout the years. 16 covers and counting! (Don't worry - Hayes wasn't slacking or playing hooky. I took that one after normal business hours!)
That's Shannon Revolinski, our community service director pictured below, working on organizing some photos from our Machu Picchu Lode to Lodge Trek adult trip last fall. We have so many amazing photos from years past on our trusty desktop Mac. Behind Shannon is our little meeting area where we sit down every Monday morning at 8AM to discuss the week's plans. To the right, you can catch a glimpse of our "trip board."
Our trip board is kind of like a map of what's to come this summer. I love watching it fill up as the months pass. We use different colors of chalk to signify different ages so it's easy for me to glance at the board and see how each group is shaping up.
If you've ever done a trip with us, you know there's some paperwork to fill out! We like to know as much about our students before they come on board, and it often feels like we've known each other for years. Even on day one of our adventures. I thought I'd show you the cute little cubbies where our Trip Information Packets (fondly referred to as "TIPs" by the office staff) live. Each cubbie has a plaque noting which trip's TIPs are in it.
Bill Johnston, our program director, works hard throughout the year to get our trip itineraries finalized. Each trip has its own notebook...we call them Kellys...for each leader team to study at staff training and carry with them in the field. These notebooks list everything from important phone numbers to details of campsite reservations. We keep ones from years past on hand to help us plan for the following summer.
Sorry for the grainy photos, but I figured my iPhone photos were better than none at all. We hope you'll come swing by the office if you're ever in town. We'd love to see you!